3 Steps to Achieve Talent Development That Drives Organizational Success

White Paper
3 Steps to Achieve Talent Development That Drives Organizational Success White Paper

According to Deloitte’s Human Capital Trends report, “The pressure on organizations to improve learning and development continues to intensify.”

Two factors are intensifying the pressure:

  • More and more organizations are unable to recruit all the talent they require, so they need to develop it internally. A recent SHRM survey found that more than two-thirds of organizations are having difficulty recruiting for job openings.
  • A lack of career opportunities has risen to be the No. 1 reason employees say they leave an organization, according to a Randstad survey.

Given the Deloitte data, it’s no surprise that more than 84% of executives view learning as an important or very important issue.

Many are putting their money where there mouth is, too.

The SHRM survey revealed that 39% of organizations have increased their training budgets in the last 12 months, while 50% have kept their training budgets steady.

Of course, throwing money at a challenge isn’t enough.

In this white paper, we’ll show you a coordinated talent development process that will help you substantially increase total employee performance, driving sustained organizational success.

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