4 Key Steps to Successful Talent Acquisition

White Paper
4 Key Steps to Successful Talent Acquisition White Paper

Talent acquisition is now a top business challenge—and a growing body of research shows just how widespread this challenge has become.


72% of CEOs call a shortage of skilled labor a threat to their business.

54% of employers admit that over the past five years it has become increasingly difficult to find qualified candidates.

As a result, organizations are using a variety of strategies to woo the talent they need. Some are intensifying their recruiting efforts. Others are enhancing compensation or expanding benefits programs. But none of these strategies can overcome a poor talent acquisition process.

Yet many organizations—especially small and mid-sized companies—rely on outdated technologies, or are still using paper, email, and spreadsheets, to support their talent acquisition process. And many fail to have a clear and full understanding of the process itself.

Don’t fall victim to these all-too-common talent acquisition traps!

By focusing on the 4 Key Steps to Successful Talent Acquisition, you’ll know exactly how to maximize the success of your talent strategies… and how modern software solutions can help you compete for and win the best talent.


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